Sendmail Milter Filter

"Then, Sir, what is spam?"

"Why, Sir, it is much easier to say what it is not. We all know what light is; but it is not easily to tell what it is."


Scam is a Milter based filter to categorize and reject unsolicited commercial email (UCE). The primary objective is to prevent any loss of mail while using rules to identify UCE. Scam will have two sets of rules, one to accept and one to assign weights which will be used to determine whether the email should be rejected.

The privacy of the recipient should not be infringed as far as possible. The filter should be run as an automated process which does not require any input from the system administrator when deciding whether to accept of reject an email.

Accept Rules

The subject header or message body may contain a keyword which overrides all rules.

Reject Rules

The From: header has a match in the scam.deny.from list.

The To: header has a match in the scam.deny.to list.

The Subject: header has a match in the scam.deny.subject list.

Contact us

If your email has incorrectly been classified as UCE and is being rejected, you may use our Web-based form at http://www.elandnews.com/scam/contact.html to contact us. If you wish to contact us by email, please include the word override in the message body if your email is being rejected.


Please do not email macs@elandnews.com

scam © sm 2001-2004